Literacy Advocate Training

No Experience, No Problem!

Are you passionate about literacy and ready to inspire change?

Join the Reach and Teach Literacy Advocate Training Program!

You or your team will gain the skills and knowledge needed to help others thrive through reading and writing!

In 10 hours we can equip you and fellow change agents with foundational tools to empower support staff with practical, evidence-based strategies in three essential areas: oral language, phonemic awareness, and phonics.

“Choose the schedule that works best for you: one full day, two half-days on a Saturday, or four Wednesday afternoon classes. Flexibility to fit your needs while transforming your literacy skills!”

Designed for classroom paraprofessionals, school volunteers, interventionists, after-school staff, and more, this course delivers accessible, actionable knowledge to enhance literacy instruction—no formal educational background required.

Call us and become a Change Agent!

Together we can help improve literacy outcomes in Louisiana!

Impact of Low Literacy in Louisiana

Economic Consequences

Adults with low literacy earn lower wages, reducing economic mobility and contributing to the state’s high poverty rate.

Health Outcomes

Poor literacy affects health literacy, leading to higher rates of preventable illnesses and poorer health outcomes..

Criminal Justice

Studies show a strong link between low literacy and incarceration, with many inmates in Louisiana lacking basic literacy skills.

Literacy Advocates Wanted!

If Not You, Then Who?